Wir als MainFirst haben uns verpflichtet, die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit zu unterstützen, indem wir die Prinzipien der Vereinten Nationen für verantwortungsbewusstes Investment (UNPRI) einhalten.
Wir integrieren systematisch ESG-Kriterien in unseren Investmentprozess, basierend auf dem externen und unabhängigen Datenlieferanten Sustainalytics.
Wir binden die ESG-Kriterien aktiv in unsere Investitionsanalyse und unseren Entscheidungsprozess.
Wir diskutieren und sprechen aktiv ESG-Themen sowie potenzielle Probleme mit Unternehmen an, in die wir investiert sind.
Produkt Engagement (Sektorenausschluss)
Wir schließen umstrittene Waffen aus.
Wir betrachten ESG-Risikobewertung von Fall zu Fall und im Zusammenhang mit der jeweiligen Benchmark und dem Anlageuniversum. Eine sorgfältige Auswertung der Ergebnisse wird vorgenommen, insbesondere bei ungünstiger Risikobewertung oder erheblichen Abweichungen von der Vergleichsgruppe.
Globale Standards
Wir verpflichten uns, die Annahme einer nachhaltigen und sozial verantwortlichen Politik in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Arbeit, Umwelt und Korruptionsbekämpfung zu unterstützen. Unternehmen oder Staaten, die diese bewusst verletzen, müssen eine umfassendere und strengere Analyse vornehmen.
Es wird eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Risikospektrums durchgeführt, wobei Unternehmen/Staaten mit hoher Risikoeinstufung einer gründlichen Bewertung unterzogen werden.
Copyright © 2020 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
The information, methodologies, data and opinions contained or reflected herein are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third parties suppliers (Third Party Data), intended for internal non-commercial use, and may not be copied, distributed or used in any way, including via citation, unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing. They are provided for informational purposes only and (1) do not constitute investment advice; (2) cannot be interpreted as an offer or indication to buy or sell securities, to select a project or make any kind of business transactions; (3) do not represent an assessment of the issuer’s economic performance, financial obligations nor of its creditworthiness.
These are based on information made available by third parties, subject to continuous change and therefore are not warranted as to their merchantability, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. The information and data are provided “as is” and reflect Sustainalytics` opinion at the date of their elaboration and publication. Sustainalytics nor any of its third-party suppliers accept any liability for damage arising from the use of the information, data or opinions contained herein, in any manner whatsoever, except where explicitly required by law. Any reference to third party names or Third Party Data is for appropriate acknowledgement of their ownership and does not constitute a sponsorship or endorsement by such owner. This website and the respective reports or publications may include proprietary data our Third-Party Data suppliers, which list and additional terms and conditions imposed by, regarding the use of their data can be found below.
Energie und Umwelt
Wertbasierte sektoren
Verteidigung und militärische Beteiligungen
Copyright © 2020 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
The information, methodologies, data and opinions contained or reflected herein are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third parties suppliers (Third Party Data), intended for internal non-commercial use, and may not be copied, distributed or used in any way, including via citation, unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing. They are provided for informational purposes only and (1) do not constitute investment advice; (2) cannot be interpreted as an offer or indication to buy or sell securities, to select a project or make any kind of business transactions; (3) do not represent an assessment of the issuer’s economic performance, financial obligations nor of its creditworthiness.
These are based on information made available by third parties, subject to continuous change and therefore are not warranted as to their merchantability, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. The information and data are provided “as is” and reflect Sustainalytics` opinion at the date of their elaboration and publication. Sustainalytics nor any of its third-party suppliers accept any liability for damage arising from the use of the information, data or opinions contained herein, in any manner whatsoever, except where explicitly required by law. Any reference to third party names or Third Party Data is for appropriate acknowledgement of their ownership and does not constitute a sponsorship or endorsement by such owner. This website and the respective reports or publications may include proprietary data our Third-Party Data suppliers, which list and additional terms and conditions imposed by, regarding the use of their data can be found below.
Grundsatz 1: Die Unternehmen sollten den Schutz der international verkündeten Menschenrechte unterstützen und respektieren.
Grundsatz 2: Die Unternehmen sollten sicherstellen, dass sie sich nicht an Menschenrechtsverletzungen mitschuldig machen.
Grundsatz 3: Die Unternehmen sollten die Vereinigungsfreiheit und die wirksame Anerkennung des Rechts auf Tarifverhandlungen wahren.
Grundsatz 4: Die Unternehmen sollten sich für die Beseitigung aller Formen von Zwangs- und Pflichtarbeit einsetzen.
Grundsatz 5: Die Unternehmen sollten sich für die effektive Abschaffung der Kinderarbeit einsetzen.
Grundsatz 6: Die Unternehmen sollen sich für die Beseitigung von Diskriminierung in Beschäftigung und Beruf einsetzen.

Grundsatz 7: Die Unternehmen sollen einen vorsorgenden Ansatz für Umweltprobleme unterstützen.
Grundsatz 8: Die Unternehmen sollen Initiativen zur Förderung einer größeren Verantwortung für die Umwelt ergreifen.
Grundsatz 9: Die Unternehmen sollen die Entwicklung und Verbreitung umweltfreundlicher Technologien fördern.
Grundsatz 10: Unternehmen sollten gegen alle Formen der Korruption, einschließlich Erpressung und Bestechung, vorgehen.
Copyright © 2020 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
The information, methodologies, data and opinions contained or reflected herein are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third parties suppliers (Third Party Data), intended for internal non-commercial use, and may not be copied, distributed or used in any way, including via citation, unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing. They are provided for informational purposes only and (1) do not constitute investment advice; (2) cannot be interpreted as an offer or indication to buy or sell securities, to select a project or make any kind of business transactions; (3) do not represent an assessment of the issuer’s economic performance, financial obligations nor of its creditworthiness.
These are based on information made available by third parties, subject to continuous change and therefore are not warranted as to their merchantability, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. The information and data are provided “as is” and reflect Sustainalytics` opinion at the date of their elaboration and publication. Sustainalytics nor any of its third-party suppliers accept any liability for damage arising from the use of the information, data or opinions contained herein, in any manner whatsoever, except where explicitly required by law. Any reference to third party names or Third Party Data is for appropriate acknowledgement of their ownership and does not constitute a sponsorship or endorsement by such owner. This website and the respective reports or publications may include proprietary data our Third-Party Data suppliers, which list and additional terms and conditions imposed by, regarding the use of their data can be found below.