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ESG mainfirst Fund classification
(As of: June 2023)

product classification under the SFDR

As forward-looking, active asset managers, we are aware of our social responsibility. Sustainability is one of MainFirst’s core concerns. ESG factors are thus major considerations when investing and generate lasting positive added value for the company, for investors and for investments.

When defining sustainable strategies MainFirst follows the approach used by Bundesverbandes Investment und Asset Management e.V. (BVI) and classifies strategies under the categories of Basic, ESG and Impact:


    • ESG opportunities/risks taken into account according to the "ESG integration criteria"
    • Integration approach disclosed

ESG (Art. 8 SFDR)

    • Dedicated ESG strategy
    • Minimum exclusions


    • Impact-based investments
    • No severe breaches of UN Global Compact

New investment funds that comply at least with the requirement ESG (Article 8) will be designed and launched. The invested assets we manage are allocated to the category “ESG” if a dedicated ESG strategy is implemented and minimum exclusions are complied with. Minimum exclusions for ESG classification and thus for the category “Article 8 SFDR” include:

Minimum exclusions for companies

    • Manufacture and/or sale of munitions >10% of revenues
    • Zero tolerance for

· Cluster munitions (Oslo Convention)
· Anti-personnel mines (Ottawa Convention)
· B and C weapons under the relevant UN conventions

    • Tobacco production > 5% of revenues
    • Manufacture and/or sale of coal >30 % of revenues
    • Serious breaches of the UN Global Compact (without positive perspective)

Minimum exclusions for governmental issuers

    • "Not free” countries according to the Freedom House Index

Impact-based funds also require a high minimum share of sustainable investments, in addition to the above categories.

General exclusions

MainFirst has devised a negative catalogue setting out criteria according to the “exclusionary principle” for establishing when investment is prohibited. The company commits to minimum standards:

    • MainFirst does not invest in companies that violate UN conventions on cluster munitions, or any financial products issued by them.
    • In addition, MainFirst does not invest in armaments. This prohibition covers companies that earn at least 50% of their revenues from military contracts.